
The Bull Inn Limpsfield a Fabulous Renovation


In late 2017, when the opportunity to buy Limpsfield's historic village pub The Bull Inn presented itself, a group of entrepreneurial locals set up Enterprising Limpsfield Limited, as a community-driven investment opportunity for locals to create a new business concept and be part of something amazing.   

Fast forward to mid-October 2018 and it looks like the locals have invested wisely - renovation is near completion and the new venture is due to open in November 2018. Something really very special has been created, a wonderful community “pub-hub" to promote local food, drink, innovation and to support other locally-owned small businesses and the community in general. 

I have been working with the project manager to photograph a few key elements before the pub officially opens to introduce their new website. I’m looking forward to continuing to create new visual content as this exciting social environment unfolds over the coming months.

The website is nearly finished and will have an online reservation diary, but in the meantime this link takes you to the holding page with the opening hours and contact information.

There is still time to invest and to be a part of this enterprising opportunity, you’ll be joining over two hundred others, to find out more please contact Enterprising Limpsfield for further information

The Bull Inn Limpsfield - a wonderful place to eat, drink and socialise in a carefully considered and relaxing space in our wonderful and picturesque town called Limpsfield. .



Other Services - Did You Know?

As well as our sought-after studio and location photo-shoots I just wanted to let you know, or to remind you, that ever since we opened in 1997 we have been offering a wide range of other services, including bespoke framing, passport and ID photographs, and a scanning and restoration service to breath new life into old photographs.

To find out more about these services, simply visit our website on the appropriate buttons below and when you are ready, call into the studio so we can give you our friendly, helpful expert advice and service. 

Just one other point of interest that may well appeal to you, a friend or family member is our individual Masterclasses to help you understand your camera better, further information can be found via the button below.



Restoration Of Your Faded Memories

As many of you already know, on Tuesday 10th February I'm celebrating 18 years with SMS Creative Photography, here in Oxted, at 83 Station Road East.

As I cast my mind back to that cold and sunny morning, opening the shop door and eagerly awaiting my first customer in anticipation. The elderly lady who came in brought in an old faded family photograph that held many precious memories. Her enquiry was to see if it was possible to copy and restore the picture that she had carried with her for most of her adult life. She wanted to pass it on to future generations - after all it was nearly one hundred years old!

The process used to restore the photograph - pre digital - was to retouch the original with a fine paint brush and retouching dyes, it was a highly skilled job. A 5" x 4" copy negative was then created by photographing the retouched original and from the negative a new print was made. Sometimes the negative was retouched as well. It was a lengthy and costly process and you would always compromise a little of the definition once you had gone through the stages.

This brings me to how the production works now, in the 21st century, in the wonderful world of digital photography and photoshop. The original is scanned to create a digital file using a high resolution scanner. The file is then carefully restored with skill and precision and printed to perfection. An ideal opportunity for restoration of your faded memories.

The example below shows you the before and after of a recent commission.

SMS Creative Photography- Restoration Photography

When it's cold and wet outside it's a perfect opportunity to rummage through those boxes or old suitcases of family photographs. You never know what little piece of family history you'll find to reproduce, preserve and share. My skilled in house digital artists will work their magic to copy and restore moments from a bygone era. We can create a visual history in a bespoke book too.

Whilst you are looking you may come across some old home Cine or VHS/Betamax footage that you would like copied onto DVD. Just bring them in, it's as simple as that, we'll sort out the rest for you.

The perfect present for birthdays and anniversaries - memories shared with new generations - an original and thoughtful gift.

Speaking of anniversaries, on Saturday 14th February to celebrate our 18 years in Oxted, come and share our cake between 10am and 4pm, be lovely to see you! Thanks for reading, I'll be back in two weeks time.

Bye for now.
