March 25 2015

Location Photography Bluebell Woods

There's a lot going on tomorrow Friday 20th March - a Super New Moon, the Spring Equinox and a Solar Eclipse all coming together during the morning. The eclipse will start at about 8.30am with a deep partial eclipse, 80-95% at about 9.30am. It's an opportunity to take a look up to, hopefully, a clear sky to see the moon pass the sun. Be sure to use a telephoto lens on your camera, a 200mm will work. Failing that grab your smartphone to capture a piece of history. Sorry if you have read this too late and missed it, the next total solar eclipse visible for our part of the world will be on 14th June 2151.....yes, 135 years away!

Next weekend, Sunday 29th March the clocks go forward so we can begin to enjoy the springtime, the longer days and all they have to offer.

SMS Creative Photography Bluebell Woods Photographs

Bluebell woods

This is my favorite time of year when we can wave goodbye to the bleak winter months and welcome the warm weather and watch mother nature do her thing. I especially look forward to bluebell season, time to head to the woods as the forest floor turns into a carpet of velvety blue flowers, the scent is just divine!

With the shoots already visible it's just a matter of time, the weather influences when they flower. To make sure I get the best backdrop for your family photo shoot I like to go on bluebell watch, so I can gauge when they are at their best. Years of experience has taught me to be patient, to just wait for them to flourish. I try not to be tempted to start too early, the best results for my photography is when they are at their peak and abundant. Last year, due to the very wet winter they were late to flower, I didn't start to photograph until early May, in previous years this is usually when they start to fade. I'll keep you posted.

You can see a few examples in the show reel below as to why it's worth waiting, families are always thrilled with the results!

We have started taking bookings, which are limited, due to photographing only at specific times of day when the light is just magical.

Call the studio on 01883 722282 to book your shoot.

To capture the present, to create the past, for future generations.

Bye for now.

I'll be back in two weeks time with more news.
