May 10 2018

Time to Book Your 2018 Meadow Photo-Shoot...


Create everlasting memories in this little piece of floral heaven.

As Mother Nature provides us with a fresh variety of spring wildflowers and grasses, I am looking forward to starting again my beautiful meadow photo-shoots. I truly believe there is no better backdrop to capture family and friends in such a natural and personal setting.

Our Meadow photo-shoots in June are always very popular, taking place in a secret location on private land where wonderful wildflowers are in abundance. Just to reassure any nature lovers, we always tread carefully so as not to unsettle them and stick to the pathway as much as possible.

We know instinctively that family and friends are the most precious things we have in life - in this crazy world of work and commitments it is easy to lose sight of what’s really important.

Make time to photograph your loved ones in a timeless natural setting. I will guide you through your experience and advise you how to display these moments to enjoy now and for future generations to come.

Do get in touch to discuss your ideas and to design your bespoke package.
